Got the bass line down to a single mistake now, after 1 1/2 week working on it. It's a rocker too. I'll be ready when my engineer is. I still have to lay down the lead vocal first, but Frank is so busy working on car engines to make his car payments, I've got the bass ready too!
This version is the one I did of the song, originally by Joni Mitchell, and then done so nicely by Crosby Stills Nash & Young. It means a lot to me this song does because it embodies the spirit of 1960's, rock and roll, flower power and paradigm change.
In 1994, I did a version that included my crow, spike. I miss that boy, lemme tell ya. He was such a pain in the ass that I finally stopped trying to record around him and instead stuck a mic in front of him. You should have seen his face the first time he heard himself caw through a PA system!! Then he loved it and you could NOT shut him up. So hell, I just went with it- he, perched atop a door, and the mic stand up as high as it could go, and I just went through the rhythm guitar track. It cam out great! Now, that analog 8 track has been digitally re-mastered (the '5th Street Alley' CD), and I expect to lift spikes voice, resurrect him from the dead, and put it on this new track. Native Americans call crows 'messengers from the other side' or across the void. This will be an excellent example. Frank, where the F are you man?? Oh well, back in for more rehearsal! Miss you Spike!
This version is the one I did of the song, originally by Joni Mitchell, and then done so nicely by Crosby Stills Nash & Young. It means a lot to me this song does because it embodies the spirit of 1960's, rock and roll, flower power and paradigm change.
In 1994, I did a version that included my crow, spike. I miss that boy, lemme tell ya. He was such a pain in the ass that I finally stopped trying to record around him and instead stuck a mic in front of him. You should have seen his face the first time he heard himself caw through a PA system!! Then he loved it and you could NOT shut him up. So hell, I just went with it- he, perched atop a door, and the mic stand up as high as it could go, and I just went through the rhythm guitar track. It cam out great! Now, that analog 8 track has been digitally re-mastered (the '5th Street Alley' CD), and I expect to lift spikes voice, resurrect him from the dead, and put it on this new track. Native Americans call crows 'messengers from the other side' or across the void. This will be an excellent example. Frank, where the F are you man?? Oh well, back in for more rehearsal! Miss you Spike!